Table of Contents
A Tool for Photogrammetric Road Survey
Help Message
(Output of ./phoros --help
Usage: phoros [-h] [OPTIONS] Phoros ( is a tool for photogrammetric road survey. It stores data in a PostgreSQL database and then makes it available over a web interface. Some options have a corresponding environment variable. Phoros will set environment variables from definitions found in file <phoros-invocation-dir>/.phoros or, if that doesn't exist, in file ~/.phoros. Options specified on the command line take precedence over any environment variables. Pre-existing environment variables take precendence over definitions found in any .phoros files. Config file syntax: one option per line; leading or trailing spaces are ignored; anything not beginning with PHOROS_ is ignored. -h, --help[=FORMAT] Print help in different formats [long|short] and exit. Fallback: long --licence Print licence boilerplate and exit. --license Same as --licence --version[=FORMAT] Print different amounts [minimal|all] of version information and exit. In a version string A.B.C, changes in A denote incompatible changes in data; changes in B mean user-visible changes in feature set. Fallback: minimal General Options: --verbose=STR Change behaviour, mainly for debugging, as specified in the form of <verbosity-topic>:<verbosity-level>. Repeat if necessary. render-footprints:1 - display image footprints on http client; suppress-preemptive-caching:1 - don't stuff browser cache with lots of images around map cursor; log-sql:1 - log SQL activity; postgresql-warnings:1 - show PostgreSQL warnings; log-error-backtraces:1 - log http server error backtraces; use-multi-file-openlayers:1 - use multi-file version of OpenLayers; pretty-javascript:1 - send nicely formatted JavaScript; show-server-errors:1 - send HTTP server error messages to client; no-daemon:1 - run HTTP server in foreground; swank-port:<port> - start swank server listening on <port>, offering interactive debugging of the running Lisp process. Use slime-connect from inside Emacs SLIME to connect locally to <port>; or establish an ssh tunnel on a remote client, "ssh -L <local-port>:<port> user@phoros-host", and slime-connect on the remote client to <local-port>. --umask=OCTAL_NUMBER File permissions mask applied when Phoros creates files and directories. Default: 002 Environment: PHOROS_UMASK --log-dir=PATH Where to put the log files. Created if necessary; should end with a slash. Default: log.d/ Environment: PHOROS_LOG_DIR --check-db Check connection to databases (including auxiliary if applicable) and exit. --check-dependencies Check presence of dependencies on local system and exit. --nuke-all-tables Ask for confirmation, then delete anything in database and exit. --create-sys-tables Ask for confirmation, then create in database a set of sys-* tables (tables shared between all projects). The database should probably be empty before you try this. Database Connection: Necessary for most operations. -H, --host=NAME Database server. Default: localhost Environment: PHOROS_HOST -P, --port=INT Port on database server. Default: 5432 Environment: PHOROS_PORT -D, --database=NAME Name of database. Default: phoros Environment: PHOROS_DATABASE -U, --user=NAME Database user. Environment: PHOROS_USER -W, --password=PWD Database user's password. Environment: PHOROS_PASSWORD --use-ssl=MODE Use SSL in database connection. [yes|no|try] Default: no Environment: PHOROS_USE_SSL Auxiliary Database Connection: Connection parameters to the database containing auxiliary data. Only needed for definition (--create-aux-view) and use (--server) of auxiliary data. --aux-host=NAME Auxiliary database server. Default: localhost Environment: PHOROS_AUX_HOST --aux-port=INT Port on auxiliary database server. Default: 5432 Environment: PHOROS_AUX_PORT --aux-database=NAME Name of auxiliary database. Environment: PHOROS_AUX_DATABASE --aux-user=NAME Auxiliary database user. Environment: PHOROS_AUX_USER --aux-password=PWD Auxiliary database user's password. Environment: PHOROS_AUX_PASSWORD --aux-use-ssl=MODE Use SSL in auxiliary database connection. [yes|no|try] Default: no Environment: PHOROS_AUX_USE_SSL Examine .pictures File: Useful primarily for debugging purposes. --get-image Get a single image from a .pictures file, print its trigger-time to stdout, and exit. --count=INT Image number in .pictures file. Default: 0 --byte-position=INT Byte position of image in .pictures file. --in=PATH Path to .pictures file. --out=PATH Path to output .png file. Default: phoros-get-image.png --bayer-pattern=STR The first pixels of the first row. Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green. Default: #ff0000,#00ff00 Calibration Data: Camera Hardware Parameters: These do not include information on lenses or mounting. --store-camera-hardware Put new camera-hardware data into the database; print camera-hardware-id to stdout. --sensor-width-pix=INT Width of camera sensor. --sensor-height-pix=INT Height of camera sensor. --pix-size=NUM Camera pixel size in millimetres (float). --channels=INT Number of color channels --pix-depth=INT Greatest possible pixel value. Default: 255 --color-raiser=STR Multipliers for the individual color components. Example: 1.2,1,.8 multiplies red by 1.2 and blue by 0.8. Default: 1,1,1 --bayer-pattern=STR The first pixels of the first row. Each pixel is to be interpreted as RGB hex string. Example: use #ff0000,#00ff00 if the first pixels in topmost row are red, green. Default: #ff0000,#00ff00 --serial-number=STR Serial number. Default: --description=STR Description of camera. Default: --try-overwrite=yes/no Overwrite matching record if any. Default: yes Lens Parameters: Stored primarily for human consumption; not used in photogrammetric calculations. --store-lens Put new lens data into the database; print lens-id to stdout. --c=NUM Focal length. --serial-number=STR Serial number. Default: --description=STR Description of camera. Default: --try-overwrite=yes/no Overwrite matching record if any. Default: yes Generic Device Definition: Basically, this is a particular camera fitted with a particular lens. --store-generic-device Put a newly defined generic-device into the database; print generic-device-id to stdout. --camera-hardware-id=ID Numeric camera hardware ID in database. --lens-id=ID Numeric lens ID in database. Device Stage-Of-Life Definition: A stage-of-life of a generic device is a possibly unfinished period of time during which the mounting constellation of the generic device remains unchanged. --store-device-stage-of-life Put a newly defined device-stage-of-life into the database; print device-stage-of-life-id to stdout. --recorded-device-id=STR Device id stored next to the measuring data. --event-number=STR GPS event that triggers this generic device. --generic-device-id=ID Numeric generic-device id in database. --vehicle-name=STR Descriptive name of vehicle. --casing-name=STR Descriptive name of device casing. Default: --computer-name=STR Name of the recording device. Default: --computer-interface-name=STR Interface at device. Default: --mounting-date=STR Time this device constellation became effective. Format: "2010-11-19T13:49+01". --unmounting-date=STR Time this device constellation ceased to be effective. Format: "2010-11-19T17:02+01". Default: :null Put An End To A Device's Stage-Of-Life: This should be done after any event that renders any portion of the calibration data invalid. E.g.: accidental change of mounting constellation. --store-device-stage-of-life-end Put an end date to a device-stage-of-life in the database; print device-stage-of-life-id to stdout. --device-stage-of-life-id=ID ID of the device-stage-of-life. --unmounting-date=STR Time this device constellation ceased to be effective. Format: "2010-11-19T17:02+01". Default: :null Camera Calibration Parameters: --store-camera-calibration Put new camera-calibration into the database; print generic-device-id and calibration date to stdout. --device-stage-of-life-id=ID ID of the device-stage-of-life. --date=STR Date of calibration. Format: "2010-11-19T13:49+01". --person=STR Person who did the calibration. --main-description=STR Regarding this entire set of calibration data --usable[=yes/no] Set to no to just display images and inhibit photogrammetric calculations. Fallback: yes Default: yes --debug[=yes/no] If yes: not for production use; may be altered or deleted at any time. Fallback: yes Default: no --photogrammetry-version=STR Software version used to create this data. --mounting-angle=OBJ Head up = 0; right ear up = 90; left ear up = -90; head down = 180. --inner-orientation-description=STR Comments regarding inner orientation calibration. Default: --c=NUM Focal length. --xh=NUM Inner orientation: principal point displacement. --yh=NUM Inner orientation: principal point displacement. --a1=NUM Inner orientation: radial distortion. --a2=NUM Inner orientation: radial distortion. --a3=NUM Inner orientation: radial distortion. --b1=NUM Inner orientation: asymmetric and tangential distortion. --b2=NUM Inner orientation: asymmetric and tangential distortion. --c1=NUM Inner orientation: affinity and shear distortion. --c2=NUM Inner orientation: affinity and shear distortion. --r0=NUM Inner orientation. --outer-orientation-description=STR Comments regarding outer orientation calibration. Default: --dx=NUM Outer orientation; in metres. --dy=NUM Outer orientation; in metres. --dz=NUM Outer orientation; in metres. --omega=NUM Outer orientation. --phi=NUM Outer orientation. --kappa=NUM Outer orientation. --boresight-description=STR Comments regarding boresight alignment calibration. Default: --b-dx=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-dy=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-dz=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-ddx=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-ddy=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-ddz=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-rotx=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-roty=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-rotz=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-drotx=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-droty=NUM Boresight alignment. --b-drotz=NUM Boresight alignment. --nx=NUM X component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane. --ny=NUM Y component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane. --nz=NUM Z component of unit vector of vehicle ground plane. --d=OBJ Distance of vehicle ground plane. Manage Acquisition Projects: An acquisition project is a set of measurements which share a set of data tables and views named like dat-<acquisition-project-name>-point, dat-<acquisition-project-name>-image, dat-<acquisition-project-name>-aggregate. --create-acquisition-project=NAME Create a fresh set of canonically named data tables. NAME is the acquisition project name. It will be stored in table sys-acquisition-project, field common-table-name, and used as a common part of the data table names. --delete-acquisition-project=NAME Ask for confirmation, then delete acquisition project NAME and all its measurements. --delete-measurement=INT Delete a measurement by its ID. --list-acquisition-project[=NAME] List measurements of one acquisition project if its name is specified, or of all acquisition projects otherwise. Fallback: * Store Measure Data: -s, --store-images-and-points=NAME Link images to GPS points; store both into their respective DB tables. Images become linked to GPS points when their respective times differ by less than epsilon seconds, and when the respective events match. The string argument is the acquisition project name. -d, --directory=PATH Directory containing one set of measuring data. -r, --common-root=PATH The root part of directory that is equal for all pojects. TODO: come up with some sensible default. Environment: PHOROS_COMMON_ROOT --epsilon=NUM Difference in seconds below which two timestamps are considered equal. Default: 0.001 --aggregate-events[=yes/no] Put all GPS points in one bucket, disregarding any event numbers. Use this if you have morons setting up your generic-device. Hundreds of orphaned images may indicate this is the case. Fallback: yes Default: no --insert-footprints=NAME Update image footprints (the area on the ground that is most probably covered by the respective image) for acquisition project NAME. Become An HTTP Presentation Server: Phoros is a Web server in its own right, but you can also put it behind a proxy server to make it part of a larger Web site. E.g., for Apache, load module proxy_http and use this configuration: ProxyPass /phoros ProxyPassReverse /phoros --server Start HTTP presentation server as a daemon. Entry URIs are http://<host>:<port>/phoros/<presentation-project>. Asynchronously update lacking image footprints (which should have been done already using --insert-footprints). --proxy-root=STR First directory element of the server URL. Must correspond to the proxy configuration if Phoros is hidden behind a proxy. Default: phoros --address=STR Address (of local machine) server is to listen on. Default is listening on all available addresses. Default: * --http-port=INT Port the presentation server listens on. Default: 8080 -r, --common-root=PATH The root part of directory that is equal for all pojects. TODO: come up with some sensible default. Environment: PHOROS_COMMON_ROOT --images=INT Number of photos displayed on HTTP client. Default: 4 --aux-numeric-label=STR HTML label for an element of auxiliary numeric data. Repeat if necessary. The succession of labels should match the auxiliary data (defined by --numeric-column) of all presentation projects served by this server instance. --aux-text-label=STR HTML label for an element of auxiliary text data. Repeat if necessary. The succession of labels should match the auxiliary data (defined by --text-column) of all presentation projects served by this server instance. --login-intro=STR Text to be shown below the login form. Use repeatedly to divide text into paragraphs. You can use HTML markup as long as it is legal inside <p>...</p> --pid-file=PATH Where to put Phoros' PID when run as a daemon. Default: Environment: PHOROS_PID_FILE Manage Presentation Projects: A presentation project is a set of measurements that can be visited under a dedicated URL (http://<host>:<port>/phoros/<presentation-project>). Its extent may or may not be equal to the extent of an acquisition project. Presentation projects have a table of user points and a table of user lines. The former is associated with a trigger which may be defined to induce writing into the latter. --create-presentation-project=NAME Create a fresh presentation project NAME which is to expose a set of measurements to certain users. --delete-presentation-project=NAME Ask for confirmation, then delete the presentation project including its table of user-generated points. --list-presentation-project[=NAME] List one presentation project if specified, or all presentation projects if not. Fallback: * --add-to-presentation-project=NAME Add to presentation project NAME either certain measurements or all measurements currently in a certain acquisition project. --remove-from-presentation-project=NAME Remove from presentation project NAME either certain measurements or all measurements currently in a certain acquisition project. --measurement-id=ID One measurement-id to add or remove. Repeat if necessary. --acquisition-project=NAME The acquisition project whose measurements are to add or remove. --redefine-trigger-function=NAME Change body of the trigger function that is fired on changes to the user point table connected to presentation project NAME. --plpgsql-body=PATH File containing the body of a PL/pgSQL trigger function. Any ocurrence of the strings ~0@*~A and ~1@*~A will be replaced by the name of the user point table/of the user line table respectively. Omit this option to reset that function to just emit a notice. Define Selectable Attributes For Images: HTTP client users can select classes of images defined here. Attributes are defined as PostgreSQL expressions and may use the following column names: recorded_device_id, device_stage_of_life_id, generic_device_id, random, presentation_project_id, directory, measurement_id, filename, byte_position, point_id, footprint, footprint_device_stage_of_life_id, trigger_time, longitude, latitude, ellipsoid_height, cartesian_system, east_sd, north_sd, height_sd, roll, pitch, heading, roll_sd, pitch_sd, heading_sd, usable, sensor_width_pix, sensor_height_pix, pix_size, bayer_pattern, color_raiser, mounting_angle, dx, dy, dz, omega, phi, kappa, c, xh, yh, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, c1, c2, r0, b_dx, b_dy, b_dz, b_rotx, b_roty, b_rotz, b_ddx, b_ddy, b_ddz, b_drotx, b_droty, b_drotz, nx, ny, nz, d. Additionally, each of the column names can be prefixed by "first_" in order to refer to image data of the first image. (Example: "measurement_id = first_measurement_id" only displays images with equal measurement_id.) --create-image-attribute=NAME Store, for presentation project NAME, a PostgreSQL expression an HTTP client user can use to select some subset of the images available. --delete-image-attribute=NAME Delete presentation project NAME an image restriction identified by its tag. --list-image-attribute[=NAME] List restricting PostgreSQL expressions for presentation project NAME, or for all presentation projects. If --tag is specified, list only matching expressions. Fallback: * --tag=STR Identifying tag for the restriction. Should be both short and descriptive as it is shown as a selectable item on HTTP client. --sql-clause=STR Boolean PostgreSQL expression, to be used as an AND clause. Should yield FALSE for images that are to be excluded. Connect A Presentation Project To A Table Of Auxiliary Data: Arbitrary data from tables not directly belonging to any Phoros project can be connected to a presentation project by means of a view named phoros-<presentation-project-name>-aux-point with columns coordinates (geometry), aux-numeric (null or array of numeric), and aux-text (null or array of text). The array elements of both aux-numeric and aux-text of auxiliary points can then be incorporated into neighbouring user points during user point creation. To match the array elements to the labels shown on HTTP client (defined by --aux-numeric-label, --aux-text-label), NULL array elements can be used act as placeholders where appropriate. Also, a walk mode along auxiliary points becomes available to the HTTP client. PL/pgSQL function phoros-<presentation-project-name>-thread-aux-points is created to this end. In order to be accessible by Phoros, auxiliary data must be structured rather simple (a single table which has a geometry column and some numeric and/or text columns). You may want to create a simplifying view if your data looks more complicated. --create-aux-view=NAME Connect table of auxiliary data with presentation project NAME by creating a view. --aux-table=NAME Name of auxiliary table. It may reside either in Phoros' native database or in an auxiliary database (which is common to all projects). It must have a geometry column. --coordinates-column=NAME Name of the geometry column (which must contain geographic coordinates, SRID=4326; and which should have an index) in the auxiliary data table. Default: the-geom --numeric-column=NAME Name of a numeric column in the auxiliary data table. An empty string defines an empty placeholder column. Repeat if necessary. --text-column=NAME Name of a text column in the auxiliary data table. An empty string defines an empty placeholder column. Repeat if necessary. Manage User Points: Backup/restore of user points; especially useful for getting them through database upgrades. --get-user-points=NAME Save user points of presentation project NAME. --store-user-points=NAME Store user points previously saved (using --get-user-points or download button in Web interface) into presentation project NAME. --json-file=PATH Path to GeoJSON file. Manage Presentation Project Users: --create-user=ID Create or update user (specified by their alphanummeric ID) of certain presentation projects, deleting any pre-existing permissions of that user. --user-password=PWD User's password. --user-full-name=STR User's real name. --user-role=TYPE User's permission on their projects. One of "read", "write", or "admin" where "write" is the same as "read" plus permission to add user points and delete them if written by themselves (or by unknown user); and "admin" is the same as "write" plus permission to delete points written by other users. Default: read --presentation-project=NAME Presentation project the user is allowed to see. Repeat if necessary. --delete-user=ID Delete user. --list-user[=ID] List the specified user with their presentation projects, or all users if no user is given. Fallback: *